Alpine Rescue & Mountain Emergency Medicine

The ICAR Medical Commission - who we are


ICAR MedCom is an international panel of experts on mountain emergency medicine, consisting of delegates from the ICAR member organisations.
Our work mainly consists of research into and improvement of mountain emergency medicine in a professional mountain rescue environment. Besides this ICAR MedCom's task is to set internationally applicable standards for education and training as well as medical guidelines in mountain rescue medicine. This knowledge shall be transfered to our member organisations and into the world of mountain rescue and mountain emergency medicine.
The ICAR (International Commission for Alpine Rescue) consists of a medical, an air-rescue, an avalanche and a terrestrial commission as well as a sub-commission for dog handlers. The main website and information on the work of the other commissions can be found on www.alpine-rescue.org.

ICAR MEDCOM - Introducing some TEAM members

Alison L. SHEETS
Natalie HÖLZL
Matthias JACOB
Peter PAAL
Jason D. Williams

ICAR MEDCOM consists of many valued and experienced experts from all parts of the world.
When we meet we work hard, but we also know how to have fun together.